On July 13, the United States had issued its citizens a level 4 alert not to travel to Panama, due to covid-19.
The State Department of the United States dropped to Level 3 alert for travel to Panama.
According to the publication, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued a notice for level 3 travel for Panama due to
The State Department indicated in the warning to US citizens that the risk of contracting
COVID-19 and developing severe symptoms may be lower if you are immunized with a
vaccine authorized by the FDA.
On July 13, the United States had issued its citizens a level 4 alert not to travel to Panama.
Panamanian Foreign Minister
Erika Mouynes said that the decision to lower the travel alert to level 3 sends a signal about the work in the control of the pandemic in Panama to generate greater mobility of tourists and reactivate the economy.
The warning maintains the Gulf of Mosquitoes and parts of the Darien province as dangerous areas to travel due to high crime.
He recommends not traveling less than 10 miles from the coast from Boca de Río, in Chiriquí, to the north of Coclé due to activities related to drug trafficking.