"The High Level Security Dialogue reaffirms our mutual commitment in support of the democratic system, transparency and the protection of Human Rights," said the US Embassy in Panama.
During the fifth High Level Security Dialogue held this Thursday, the authorities of Panama and the United States addressed issues related to the promotion of alliances in matters of citizen security, irregular migration, maritime security and against cyber crime.
"The High Level Security Dialogue reaffirms our mutual commitment in support of the democratic system, transparency and the protection of Human Rights, focusing on the pillars of citizen security, border security, maritime security and cyber security", highlighted the Embassy of United States in Panama.
The Panamanian Foreign Minister,
Erika Mouynes, expressed during the meeting that in the face of growing irregular migration it is essential to act together, reinforcing political and technical dialogue to prevent migrants from continuing to be exposed to trafficking and smuggling networks.
For her part, the United States Undersecretary of State for Civil Security, Democracy and Human Rights, Uzra Zeya, expressed her satisfaction at being able to participate in this high-level dialogue.
It is worth mentioning that Uzra Zeya also held a bilateral meeting with the President of Panama, Laurentino Cortizo, with the aim of strengthening ties of friendship and cooperation on issues related to democracy, transparency and protection of Human Rights.
As part of the agenda in Panama, Zeya will also meet with international organizations and civil society to promote collaboration on issues related to security, international protection and migration management; and will make a visit to the province of Darién, where in recent months the daily entry of hundreds of migrants has been registered.